The Spanish language school Academia Berceo Salamanca is owned by INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL DE SALAMANCA, C.B. with commercial brand Academia Berceo Salamanca, CIF E37299377 and address at Calle Pedro Cojos 7 local 37001 Salamanca- Spain.
Any agency or educational institution may request a programme and budget for a group to carry out a language immersion trip in Salamanca (Spain).
The minimum number of participants to be considered as a group is 10 students.
Upon request, Berceo Salamanca will send you a detailed programme, including all services and prices per student, prior to your booking.
Berceo Salamanca will be in charge of providing the services according to the budget sent to the agency/educational entity after the contracting of the services.
The school will send a pro-forma invoice and a group contract specifying the breakdown of services, price per student, total price and settlement dates.
The school will be directly responsible for the teaching services (course, materials, certificates, etc.) and for the allocation of accommodation. In the event of a problem with the host family, the school will solve the problem immediately and will be able to assign a new family to the affected students within 24 hours. However, the school declines any responsibility for services for which it is not the direct provider (buses, museums, restaurants, bars, etc.).
Information and documentation
The Berceo Salamanca school must provide all students and group leaders with all the necessary information: timetables, programme, address, telephone numbers, contact details, etc. For their part, the group leaders will provide a detailed and updated list of the students before the arrival of the group, with contact telephone numbers or other information that will allow us to maintain direct contact during the group’s stay.
All participants of the language stay must have all their documents in order (valid identity card or passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure of the group) as well as the health card.
In the event of being refused entry to the country by any authority due to a lack, error or defect in the documentation, the school declines any responsibility, although it undertakes to help in finding the best possible solution.
The participant will be responsible for all costs arising from the above-mentioned procedures. There will be no reimbursement of the costs of these persons.
The agency/educational institution expressly declares that it acts as a valid interlocutor between the Berceo Salamanca school and the rest of the participants it represents, being the recipient of the information provided by the school about the trip, programme and its possible modifications, the school not being responsible for any consequences derived from the lack of information from the rest of the participants, as long as this information has been previously provided to the agency/educational institution.
Any participant is obliged to inform the school of any non-compliance or deficiency in the programme/stay as soon as it occurs. The school undertakes to remedy this as soon as possible.
It is expressly noted that minors may not travel or attend any of the school’s programmes without the required permission of their parents or guardians.
Price and payments
Payment for the programme will be made as follows:
- FIRST PAYMENT 25% of the total amount upon acceptance of the programme.
- SECOND PAYMENT 25% of the total amount 30 days prior to arrival
- THIRD PAYMENT 50 % remaining 8 days before arrival
Berceo Salamanca School will issue an invoice for the programme to the educational agency/institution.
Prices are calculated according to the number of students and services requested by the agency/educational centre in the quotation. Any variation in the number of participating students or modification requested by the agency/centre may cause a modification in the contracted price. This variation does not affect the variation of 5 students maximum.
If, for any reason, any of these price elements are modified, the school will notify the agency/centre, justifying the reasons for the price change. The agency/centre, once this new price has been accepted, must pay the difference that may result, in any case, prior to the start of the services.
The prices and conditions agreed in the contract are specific to the contracted group.
In case of cancellation of the group by the school Berceo Salamanca without justification of such cancellation or the impossibility of offering the contracted services, all amounts paid will be refunded.
In the event that the agency/centre cancels the trip for unjustified reasons or for not complying with any of the reasons or conditions expressed in any of the terms of this contract, and given that this contract is subject to special contracting conditions, both parties agree that the Berceo Salamanca school will receive or retain the following amounts on the total amount of the trip:
- From the moment of booking until 30 days before the arrival of the group: 25% of the total budget.
- Between 29 and 24 hours prior to the day of arrival of the group: 50% of the total price of the group.
- 24 hours before arrival or at the beginning of the stay: 100% of the total price of the group.
In case the agency/centre cancels the trip due to force majeure, the group will be able to modify the dates of the trip in the same year of the exercise. In case of a total cancellation and impossibility to travel on other dates, the school Berceo Salamanca will receive or retain the following amounts from the total amount of the trip:
- Up to 48 hours before the arrival of the group: 25% of the total price of the group.
- 7 days or less prior to arrival: 50% of the total group.
Personal data
The client authorises Instituto Español de Salamanca to include their personal data in the respective files, as well as their use and automated processing or not, for the management and registration of the operations subscribed between the parties. Likewise, you authorise, outside of the contractual relationship, the processing of your personal data for the purpose of sending commercial offers. If you wish to access, rectify or cancel your data, please contact us at: