You’re probably tired of hearing people talking about the importance of learning languages… Chinese will be essential in the business world, without English you won’t find a good job with a good salary… And, certainly, we live in a globalized world where mastering a languages, besides our mother tongue, is more and more necessary in order to get more job opportunities, to communicate with people all around the world, to travel different continents and get to know different cultures. And what better tool than studying Spanish for all that?
Communicate with the world
If you are going to study a language, better be one that allows you to communicate with the most people possible, in every corner of the planet. Almost 500 million people speak Spanish as a mother tongue, not just in Spain and America but in the many communities and groups of Spanish-speaking people in countries all around the world. Both Spanish people and most of the Latin – American nationalities share an important migratory tradition. That’s why we can find Spanish – speaking communities in the 5 continents and in every country and capital city of the world.
Next to this Spanish speakers, we find the 25 million people in 111 countries that study Spanish as a second language, situating our language amongst the 5 most studied languages, according to the Instituto Cervantes.
If you want to communicate, relate to other people, create new social relationships and personal bonds, or just travel, studying Spanish seems like a great idea.
Necessary in all areas
According to the British Council report “Languages for the future”, Spanish is the most necessary language in every area. It is not just the official language in 21 countries, but more and more Spanish speaking people are found in more countries. For example the USA, where the latin culture and the latin community have been setting up as one of the most important social groups, currently formed by 60 million inhabitants.
More and more cultural products all around the world have been created under the filter of the Spanish or Latin – American culture, in the areas of cinema, architecture, literature or gastronomy. Studying Spanish is essential to understand international cultural phenomenon such as urban music or the fame of Mexican food, or to participate in different economic areas, like international trade or investing in renewable energies.
Improve your CV
As we already said, this is a globalized world where competitiveness is one of the most present traits, both in companies and countries competing for markets, and inside companies and businesses, in the world of work, between workers competing for the best positions and salaries. In order to participate in this race, you need to be as most prepared as possible.
It’s not enough with a regulated training, at the university or in other kind of learning programme, but it is necessary to develop other skills like computering or learning languages. This one is the most useful tool for our private life and our job progress. Being able to understand what others can’t, and being able to efficiently communicate when other can’t will make you irreplaceable in your position. And for all that, studying Spanish could be your best friend.
Which are the most important reasons to study Spanish, in your opinion? Are you interested in Spanish culture? What can you improve in your life by studying and learning a little bit of Spanish?